Five Things You Don’t Know About James Rabe
It's harder than you think to come up with Ten Things You Don't Know About Me, not because I know everyone, but because I'm so open on the air about my life. You'd think there's nothing left, but there is SO much to tell. If you're new to Y-105FM, hello and thanks for listening. You're about to get to know me! And if you've been listening since I I was the Lord of the Night on 106.9 KROC (early and mid 90's), hello...I hope I haven't told you this stuff sometime in the last 20 years.
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I Used To Be A Unicorn
Many years in a row, for Halloween, my father had me dress up as a unicorn. Formal wear and a rubber unicorn mask. The picture is of my brother Karl and me.
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I Used to Run An Anti-Smurf Club
As a high school student, I was president of The Dead Smurf Association.
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I Wore Shoes Designed for Women
My feet were way narrow, so my mom bought my shoes from the women's section. She said shoes were shoes, which is true, but it took a lot of years (and a lot of bullying) to figure that out.
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I Had Lunch with That Guy from Sound of Music
On Mackinac Island, during the filming of Somewhere In Time, I had lunch with Christopher Plummer. He was really nice.
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I Love to Stop at "World's Largest" Anythings!
Roadtrips with me = stopping and/or searching for the world's largest things. Otter? Ball of Twine? Turkey? Kokopelli? You bet. All of 'em and more.