Free Teddy Bear Giveaway Comes to Apache Mall This Weekend
I'm sure that just by mentioning the words Build-A-Bear will give many of you instant anxiety and flashbacks from the fiasco that occurred at malls across the country earlier this summer, but I have some good news for anyone who may have struck out that fateful day or saw the huge lines and decided to try again next year.
The creative minds at Build-A-Bear went back to the drawing board to figure out how to improve the experience and they've come up with National Teddy Bear Day 2018! On Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9, guests who spend at least $15 in the store get to stuff and take home a free National Teddy Bear Day bear from our Apache Mall!
Don't worry, they've thought out the whole chaos of long lines thing by having you join their FREE Build-A-Bear Bonus Club (which you might have already done from the first time around) and reserve a ticket for which day you plan on coming by with your kid to build a bear. The tickets are limited and once they're gone, they're gone. They'll e-mail you tomorrow Friday, September 7.
However, let's say you arrive on time and still think the line is a tad overwhelming, they'll at least let you take teddy home and come back to stuff him another day. The $15 you spend in-store needs to be on a qualifying item like outfits or accessories. Gift cards and parties aren't part of this promotion.
So if you'd like to try this whole 'thing' again, it sounds to me like they've given this promotion some deeper thought and better planning. If you have anymore questions, you can give the kiosk at the Apache Mall a call HERE, but it sounds like they're ready for Round 2!
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