Go Back to the 80’s at the Gala of the Decades! – [Pictures]
I've DJ'd a lot of 80's parties and this one was the best I've ever been to! You'll love the clothes in these pictures! The Gala of the Decades is a fundraiser for the Gift of Life Transplant House...and each year they pick a new decade to celebrate. This year it was The 80's and it was so 80's!
Plenty of awesome costumes, or really, dresses. Huge poofy shoulders, bright colors, florals, a Don Johnson lookalike, and two, count 'em two mullets!
My job was to bring the party to the tarmac before the hanger door swung wide, and with Laura Lee's help, we did it! There were 80's games on the tables (Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, anyone?), and contests! Rita, from the GOLTH, rocked the Facebook Live of the Presto Change-o contest! Including the adult men having to put on kids boxer shorts. Like, litttttle kid boxer shorts.
Thanks to everyone that came out to support the Gift of Life Transplant House! What happens there is so very important. A home away from home takes so much worry off transplant patients, allowing them to focus on getting healthy.