Hear the World Premiere of a Rochester Band’s New Christmas Song!
This past summer at Whistle Binkies the annual fundraiser for NAMI was more fun. more fierce, and more funky than usual. What made it fresher than last year? It was the band KnufunK. If they'd been playing inside, they'd have blown the roof off the joint.
They've been working on a bunch of new music and on Friday, December 14th, be listening for the world premiere of their new song. KnufunK went and did something awesome. They wrote, performed, and produced a brand new song for Christmas.
What's it called? What's it sound like? Will it melt your heart? More will be revealed in days to come, but most importantly, set a reminder...
December 14th, starting at 8 AM on Rochester's Christmas Station, Y-105FM!
FYI: Ring in the New Year with KnufunK at Whistle Binkies North!
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM
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