#RochMN Woman Needs Your Help Filling Camper for Texas!
Giving money in time of need is important. But there's a woman in Rochester going way beyond giving money. She's giving of herself in a way I've not seen before. You'll love this story.
Rockport, TX was hit hard by Hurricane Harvey. So many homes just wiped out. One man with disabilities lived in a camper until Harvey. His pastor rescued him (and his dog), but his trailer was 100% destroyed. He literally has nowhere to return to.
Here in Rochester, Cassie Strain heard about the man. And obviously it stuck with her, because when she was getting her families camper ready for winter, she thought, "That man needs this camper more than we do."
He needs this camper more than we do. Just a few words in that thought for Cassie, but, for the man in Texas, it's a roof over his head, a place to relax, a place to call home.
But Cassie didn't stop there. She thought, "Well, I gotta drive down there to deliver it, I should get it filled with stuff for everyone in Rockport, TX."
And that's what's going on. In October, over MEA weekend she and her daughter'll drive it on down. But, that's not all.
She needs your help filling the camper. What does she need? Here's her Facebook post about it, and what items are needed.
Cassie, you and your family are incredible.