How Much Do Traffic Jams Really Cost You And Me
Time is money, and traffic jams waste a lot of both!
I think the worst intersection in Rochester has gotta be South Broadway and Highway 14. Y'know, that south corner of Soldiers Field golf course, where Rochester Feed and Country Store meets Denny's and Chipotle. I'll take shortcuts just to avoid that intersection. It's not out of my way to skirt around that light, 'cos usually it cuts my drive time down considerably.
Driving around town isn't all that bad. Even driving up to The Cities is pretty smooth. We usually average about ninety minutes up to the Mall, door to door.
How much do traffic jams cost you and me? According to Inrix.com, last year, traffic jams cost a total of $300 Billion! That's billion with a capitol "Blecch!" That breaks down to $1,400 per driver! Los Angeles comes in with the worst traffic jams - 104 hours stuck, bumper-to-bumper! Pretty much all the major metropolitan cities made the Top 10 list: New York, Chicago, Atlanta, D.C.
The Twin Cities? Not in the Top 10!
Is there an intersection or exit ramp that is the bane of your existence? Share that in the comments!
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