How to Get Rid of Those Annoying Boxelder Bugs in Minnesota Right Now

Boxelder bugs are starting to invade Minnesota this fall. Here's how to keep them from bugging you too much this season.
If your house is like ours in northwest Rochester, it's been inundated by a barrage of those black and red flying bugs, especially on warmer days. Even though they're not a huge problem this year (like they were LAST year) boxelder bugs (Boisea trivittatus, if you're being all scientific) are back and are starting to show up across much of Minnesota this fall.
Why are there boxelder bugs in Minnesota this fall?
While they're starting to show up, experts at the University of Minnesota Extension office have an idea of why we're seeing less of those pesky insects this season: They noted that because box elders were especially prevalent last year due to the drought Minnesota experienced, they're not quite as prevalent this year, given the more precipitation we received this summer.
Here's why they're starting to show up, however: This CBS-Minnesota story says that pest management specialists at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum noted boxelder bugs seek warmth on the sides of and inside our homes over winter as the temperatures start to get cooler during the fall.
So are boxelder bugs poisonous?
Boxelder bugs are NOT poisonous, but they do emit a bad odor when crushed and have a bitter taste if your pets bite or eat one. They don't cause damage to property, though they can potentially stain surfaces. They like warm areas and are attracted to buildings with a lot of southern or western exposure-- which makes the front and side of our house and garage prime targets.
So what can you do about boxelder bugs?
The U of M says the best prevention is to keep boxelder bugs out of your house. They say to make repairs to openings they can get into:
- Repair or replace damaged window and door screens.
- Repair or replace damaged screens in roof and soffit vents, and in bathroom and kitchen fans.
- Seal areas where cables, phone lines and other utility wires and pipes, outdoor faucets, dryer vents and other objects enter buildings.
- Seal with caulk or, for larger spaces, use polyurethane expandable spray foam, copper mesh or other appropriate sealants.
- Install door sweeps or thresholds to all exterior entry doors.
- Install a rubber seal along the bottom of garage doors.
And if boxelder bugs do get inside your house?
If boxelder bugs do get inside your house, the U says pretty much your only option is physically removing them with a vacuum cleaner or broom and dustpan. It's important to note that the U doesn't recommend using a spray insecticide (it's generally not effective and can harm other pollinators) unless you have a really large infestation-- and then you'll probably want to call a professional service.
Boxelder bugs are just one of those nuisance insects that are native here in Minnesota. Thankfully, not all native insects and animals are-- some, in fact, are pretty handy. Did you know there are several animals native to Minnesota that can predict the weather? Keep scrolling to check 'em out!
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KEEP READING: 10 Animals in Minnesota That Can Predict the Weather
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