Hummingbirds Are on Their Way to Minnesota by the Thousands

With the weather warming up, spring right around the corner, that means birds are on their way back to Minnesota from their southern winter homes. This includes beautiful ruby-throated hummingbirds! They've started migrating and making their way back to Minnesota for the summer.
Based on this distribution/range map, hummingbirds spend their winters in southern Mexico and other parts of Central America. Others spend their winters in southern Florida. But this is around the time of year that hummingbirds begin their migration!
According to hummingbird-guide.com, northern Florida usually sees hummingbirds starting the beginning of March, so right now. Then they slowly work their way up the US.
Most ruby-throated hummingbirds stay in southern Mexico/Central America in the winter so the typical migration pattern takes them through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and up to the Dakotas.
The estimated time of year that hummingbirds will show up in our backyard is around May 1st, so we still have about 2 months. However, if you like to feed hummingbirds, hummingbird-guide.com suggests putting out the hummingbird feeders about 2 weeks before their expected arrival just in case they show up early.
I love watching hummingbirds. Seeing their little wings work so hard and yet they're totally silent! It's so cool. Hummingbirds migrating also make it official that spring is coming so that's very exciting.
While we're on the topic of animals and the weather, have you ever wondered if animals are capable of predicting the weather? Below is a list of 10 Minnesota animals that can (allegedly) predict the weather!
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