I Found a Foggy Day in Rochester! #RochMN {Pictures}
I took these the other day, and totally forgot about 'em until just now. Remember the heavy fog morning not that long ago? Yeah, me either.
a) Don't worry, I was at a complete stop when I took the pictures.
ii) I would LOVE to have been in the Plummer building looking down at the city. Would i see fog that high up or would it look like the clouds were walking?
3) So, just what IS 103.9 going to be? I can't stop thinking about it. There not telling anyone in the building, so we're left to guess. It's in the studio right next door, but they have the door sealed and we can't look in. Gah!
I've dropped my idea it's Gregorian Chants of the 80's...maybe it'll be a mix of news and beautiful music. With Kim and Andy as news people, we're set there for local news, and the stuff they used to play on KNXR...well, it's beautiful. And mellow. And there are a TON of older people that miss that music.