I Need Your Old Rochester Restaurant Pictures!
I'm putting together a story about the restaurants we miss in Rochester and I need your help! I'm looking for pictures of these restaurants...
When I asked about the restaurants you missed, wow, did I get a lot of response. In putting together a story about your most missed places, I find the internet-machine is poor for finding pictures of a lot of places.
So, I'm crowd-sourcing it! Do you have pictures of these places? And if so...please send 'em to me at james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com. Or just send 'em via Facebook Messenger.
Here's what I'm looking for (inside or outside shots)...
- Benny's R-Tic Root Beer Stand
- Le Bistro
- The Greenhouse
- Henry Wellingtons
- John Barleycorn
- The Penthouse
- Rookie's Ladies Night (bonus points if I'm in the pic.)
- The Smiling Moose
- Tinklers
- Waldo's
If you have pictures of any of these places, please, send pass 'em along. Even if you just take a picture of an old picture and send it to me, that'd be awesome.
I'm especially eager to see The Greenhouse and Le Bistro. One sounds amazing and the other sounds like maybe people think back on it and shudder, in a good way.
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