In Solidarity with Florida, Rochester Students Stage Gun Violence Rally
It was short, but the message was very clear. The Mayo High School students walked out of school for 17 minutes to voice their opinion. They are opposed to gun violence and expect something to be done. The walk-out comes in the wake of 17 students being killed by a 19-year-old gunman at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida February 14. Students at Century High School and John Marshall High School held a similar rally during fifth block.
According to a story in the Rochester Post Bulletin, the Rochester Public Schools Communications Director, Heather Nessler said,
"The principals at our high schools have had conversations with their staff and student leaders regarding this planned walk out...We support our students’ with their expression of free speech today.
The idea for the rally came about Tuesday, the idea spread via social media. The school district is not planning repercussions for the walk-out.
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