Level 3 Predatory Offender Released to Rochester, Minnesota
The Rochester Police Department announced information about a Level 3 predatory offender released from custody and to Rochester, Minnesota.
According to the RPD information sheet, Terry Colton Ross was released to the 2100 block of Campus Drive SE on Monday, May 2nd.

The fact sheet on Ross says he has a history of sexual contact with known female teenagers. Contact included penetration. Ross has used force to gain
The Rochester Police Department is available to provide you with useful information on personal safety and may be reached at 507-328-6800. To report criminal activity by this registrant or any other individual, please call 911.
Community Notification Is the Law
Convicted predatory offenders have always been released to live in our communities, but it was not until passage of the Registration Act of 1991 that law enforcement had a right to know an offender’s residence or track their moves after his/her initial release from custody.
With the passage of the Community Notification Act, law enforcement now may share information with the public about many of these offenders. This creates an informed community that can engage with law enforcement to address any concerns and/or issues involving these individuals.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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