Minnesota Couple Home After Being Quarantined Due to Coronavirus Outbreak on Cruise
A few weeks ago an Eden Prairie, Minnesota couple, Amy Ellefson and Ron Hildeen, were on a Diamond Princess Cruise Ship near Japan when it was discovered that fellow travelers had the coronavirus. Amy and Ron were quarantined on the cruise ship for 2 weeks, then they were flown to California and were quarantined there for another 2 weeks. Thankfully, Amy and Ron are finally back home in Minnesota!
According to WCCO, a total of 454 people on that cruise ship were diagnosed with the coronavirus. A scary part for Ron and Amy is that on their flight from Japan to the US, 20 people on that flight contracted the virus. But these two were lucky and their tests came back negative. Ron speculates whether the fact that they both got their flu shot and also a pneumonia shot helped keep them from contracting the virus.
Amy told WCCO, “'The scariest thing for us too was if one of us were negative and one of us were positive it would be very stressful for being separated.'” The people who came in to give them their tests back while they were in quarantine were in full hazmat suits. I can't image how that must have felt! However, they said that the CDC was great to them, it just felt like it kept going on and on and on.
They do have a voucher for a free cruise, but they plan on waiting "until the Coronavirus concerns die down."

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