My Experience at the Minnesota State Fair Food Parade

The day that the tickets went on sale for the first-ever Minnesota State Fair Food Parade my husband and I spend an hour trying to get a ticket. Thankfully we were able to successfully snag one and we got to go this past Saturday! Here's my experience was and some tips for those of you who still have yet to go.
We weren't sure what to expect when we were on our way to the Food Parade. It's the first time they've ever done something like this and we were going on the first weekend so we were expecting to encounter some snags. Crazy enough, we didn't experience any! It was put together very well, the signs are clear, and the employees are super helpful.
While we were there we had high hopes for how much food we were going to be able to eat and also how much food we were going to be able to store in the car. HOT TIP: bring stuff to hold food! A tray, containers, whatever. It was so hard trying to handle all the food we were getting and also drive and also eat. So make sure you have a safe place to put the food so you can munch on it as you wait at the next stop.
The state fair has this on their "Know Before You Go" but it's important: fill out your menu while you're waiting in line to get into the Food Parade. If you don't you'll get stuck sitting at a vendor trying to figure out what everyone wants and holding up people behind you.
Also, there are plenty of port-a-potties, trash cans, and recycling bins along the route. There's also a spot at the end behind the Sweet Martha's Cookies building where you can park and enjoy your food if you want.
ONE LAST THING TO KNOW: The vendors take orders from different sides of the car. Some take orders on the driver's side, others on the passenger side, so make sure both people have a mask and are ready to order food.
If you go to the Food Parade send us pictures on our free app!
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