Donate Life, But Forget About the Rochester Luminary Event Tonight (Friday 04/29)
There was to be a grand thank you for all the organ donors that've given so selflessly tonight, April 29, but it has been canceled.
Be A Kidney Donor, Minnesota. It’s Low Risk and You Get A Free Insulated Cup
Rochester, Minnesota's Gift of Life Transplant House partnered with Mayo Clinic to put on the event, a lineup of luminaries to be lit at dusk from the House to St. Mary's. It would have been beautiful. Heather Carlson Kehren (she/her), Communications Specialist at Mayo Clinic sent out the official notice:
"Unfortunately, the planned luminary lighting tonight in Rochester to honor organ donors and their families is canceled due to weather."

Please Donate Life Because It Saved My Life!
I would not be alive today if it weren't for my sister Joan here in Rochester, Minnesota donating one of her kidneys to me. Truly, the gift of life. Sure she only made the deal after I promised to help fold laundry 'til the kidney needed replacing, but still...she is my hero. (Click here to sign up to be a donor.)
One of My Favorite Pictures from My Transplant Time
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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I'm Moving To Byron!
Well, after I earn a couple million. :)
Picture-Perfect Farmhouse Style Home for Sale Near Rochester, Minnesota
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