Olmsted County Pest Control Scam in the Area Now!
Careful, there are reports of some scam-artists going house to house as pest control. Here's what you need to know...
From the Olmsted County Sheriff's Office:
Possible Scam – We received a report today that homeowners saw two men in white shirts embroidered with “Pest Control” on them wandering in their yard. When asked what they were doing, they said they were just canvasing the area for new customers and asked if the homeowners have a dog; they had no truck.
We know our local pest control companies wouldn’t operate like this.
Similar incidents have been reported in the past (not locally) where a common thread in the burglaries were burglars posing as employees of a pest control company go door-to-door, figuring out people's patterns and routines, then coming back for crime later.
What they may be doing is casing neighborhoods to return at a later time to commit thefts from vehicles, thefts from garages and burglaries. Please remember to lock your vehicles and lock your doors. If you see something suspicious, call 911.
Of course, there are totally legitimate business in town. But, if you didn't call for them, and don't know them, is it wise to let 'em in your home or tell 'em about your routines? Something as simple as, "Oh, we'll be home around 3 tomorrow" is enough to cause trouble.
IF you have any concern, ask 'em for their business contact info. Call, check to make sure it's for real.
Are you still hinky? Give Dispatch a call: 507-328-6800.
All information for this report is from the Olmsted County Sheriff's Office.
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