Please Stop Trying to Sell Me Detoxes, I Don’t Need Them #FACT
*As with most things that verge on the medical, this blog is about your average, everyday person, not specific cases, or to be taken as advice to be taken against your MD's advice.
Usually, disclaimers are put at the end of things, but I have a feeling it needs to be upfront for this.
Please stop trying to sell me detoxes to cleanse the toxins from my body. I don't need them. In fact, according to this article by the Mayo Clinic on Nutrition Myths, no one does.
A detox diet will clean toxins out the body. There’s very little evidence that dietary cleanses do any of the things they promise. The fact is we don’t need to cleanse our bodies. Our liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract do a good job of detoxing it every day. If you’re looking to rejuvenate your body, focus on eating more whole foods, drinking water and removing highly processed foods from your diet.
That's it. Nothing big and long and preachy. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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