Rep. Tina Liebling Says She’ll Run for Governor
According to ABC 6 News, Longtime Rochester representative Tina Libling says she's running for governor!
From ABC 6 News...
(ABC 6 News) -- Rep. Tina Leibling announced Sunday around 1:30pm she is running for governor of Minessota in 2018. Rep. Liebling was speaking to supporters at a gathering at Peace Plaza in Rochester Sunday afternoon when she broke the news of her candidacy.
She first took office in 2004, unseating a Republican in Olmsted County, something that hadn't happened in a long long time.
The field is filling up. Who else is running?
- The mayor of St Paul, Chris Coleman.
- State Rep. Erin Murphy
- Minnesota State Auditor Rebecca Otto
- Tim Walz, from the U.S. House of Representatives
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