Rochester Area Residents Asked to Welcome Home a Local Soldier
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - A longtime Rochester military member is scheduled to return home this weekend and a local veteran has organized a “welcome home” event and is asking the public to take part.
Rochester businessman Terry Throndson has already contacted local service groups, law enforcement officials and others.
Throndson says Army Reservist Jeremy Delaney is returning from a 14 month deployment to Iraq.
Throndson says Delaney is a so-called “add on” which means he deploys and returns by himself, not as a member of the Army unit he is assigned to. Delaney’s wife told Throndson while the unit is welcomed home at the end of a deployment, her husband returns by himself with no recognition. Throndson says this was the 4th deployment of Delaney’s 20 year career.
Throndson says Delaney is scheduled to arrive at the Rochester airport 9:30 p.m. Saturday. He is asking those who plan to be there to arrive before then. Throndson says the airport manager is offering free parking for those attending the event.
Throndson says plans are being made to have the Rochester Fire Dept and Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office give Delaney and his family an escort from the airport to their home.
Delaney has been a longtime driver for Rochester City Lines and has three years left to serve in the Army.
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