Rochester Beer Specialist and His Movie-Beer Pairings!
They're always doing wine pairings (what wine goes with what food), so why not movie/beer pairings for the rest of us? Dang right...and here they are!
A couple years ago I got together with a gentleman at Kinney Creek to match movies with beer, because when you cuddle up with Elf, you don't want to ruin it with the wrong beer! His insights were great, and you'll see KInney Creek at this year's Rochester On Tap, It's this Saturday at the Mayo Civic Center and there'll be over a hundred beers to taste!
All of us from Townsquare Media - Rochester will be there, and we're bringing ever more fun with us!
First, if you wear an ugly Christmas sweater, you can enter to win a $125 Chester’s gift card at our booth.
For every Townsquare Media-Rochester app you download, you get an enter to win some amazing concert tickets! All the apps will be listed att our booth, so come ready to win!
Oh, and of course, the Classic Video Barcade from Machine Shed. So huge!
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