Rochester Buy/Sell…$30 Bucks’ll Get You An Instant Twins Collection!
With the Twins in the race for the 2019 pennant, and the new RED homer hanky (see it here) making its debut, we're all talking about the first homer hanky and the excitement of the 1987 race.
I'm scrolling through Rochester Buy, Sell, Trade and as two people in my office are talking about the Twins, I find this...a ready-made fan kit from 1987!
I kept scrolling and a few other things caught my eye. Like this photo from a garage sale.
This fish tank brought back memories of my 60-gallon fish tank...that started leaking two days before I had to fly to California for a week (annnnd the day before my sister/brother in law's wedding). Good times.
Good price, especially if your doctor asked you to bring some to the lab.
As used by Mozart.
There's a certain kind of person this picture will bug (I'm one of those people). For the love of all that's holy, please, turn the saw the direction of the stripes!
See 'em all (unless they've been sold already) at Rochester Buy, Sell, Trade
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