Rochester Husband’s Public Rant Over Wife’s Pierced Belly Button
Oh my gosh...."Jenny" is not happy. Her husband posted on Facebook about an argument they had. She got a belly button piercing and didn't consult the hubs, and he is so frustrated about it. "Jenny sent me a cut and paste of the Facebook post (I don't want you using a screenshot because it'd have our name in it...).
My "adult" wife got her belly button pierced last weekend. I am very frustrated about this. She is 38 years old and she went to some religious tattoo shop in Roch to get it done.
At her age, she shouldn't be getting her belly button pierced. That's something teenagers do to make their parents mad. She is a grown woman. When I asked her why she said "because I wanted to do it for a long time, so I just did it."
I think that's a dumb excuse. She never even told me she wanted it done. I wouldn't go and get a tattoo without at least talking to her about it first. She should have asked me before she got it done. When I took my receptionist out for lunch yesterday, she totally agreed with me.
The female receptionist agrees with you? Well, that probably scored HUGE points. LOL
Anyway...what do you think? Should she have talked to her husband about it? I say nom, she doesn't have to...but...it kinda makes me sad they don't have the kinda relationship where she wanted to share something so fun with him.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM, and 2p to 6p on 103.9 The Doc.
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