Rochester, Let’s See Your Grandma on Grandmother Achievement Day!
Grandmother Achievement Day is set aside to hip hip hooray the grandmothers in our life. Not just as the amazing grandma we know, but as the woman that lived a life long before we grand kids came along.
That's my grandmother up there. Grandma Rady. Raised my mom, Mary Ann Rady, Aunt Jane Rady, and Uncle Jack Rady. During The Depression. On her salary alone (she was a nurse) because her husband passed away from kidney failure. When you talk about achievements, that's a pretty big one there (and explains why my mother didn't just want to save wrapping paper, but the tape, too).
Grandma, as I called her, dated, danced, worked, went to school, became a nurse, had at least some career time as a nurse...and that's really all I know. She passed away when I was in 3rd or 4th grade and I only have snippets of her life in my head.
So I want to hear about your grandmothers. Tell me who they were, what they achieved before they became a grandma. And did she have grand kids with the same amazing fashion taste as we had? ps - I'm the one looking like a dressed up kid that just finished tearing up the place.
My brother John is next to me, looking like a TV anchor. Grandma is right in the middle.

Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on Y-105 FM
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