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You ready to smile? A Rochester, Minnesota, restaurant named a menu item after 2nd Street Flag Waving Joe!

Joe Johnson is the guy you see out on 2nd Street waving flags, waving to people, and wishing us nothing but love and positive energy. People almost always go out of the way to tell him how awesome he is, but one restaurant went above and beyond and immortalized our community's love for Joe with 2nd Street Joe Tacos!

It was announced on Joe's Facebook page along with this note...

Joe normally doesn't do this for things other than Pepsi but he's making an exception for 3 Banderas because they named something after him and it makes him feel special.

What is the 2nd Street Joe Tacos? According the menu...

  • 3x Chicken on soft flour tortilla. $9.50

Sounds delish, I'm in!

PERSONAL NOTE: We, as a community are blessed to have Joe out there waving flags in all kinds of weather. You'll see him at Rochesterfest, Thursdays Downtown, anyplace where there are people and fun. A gift to Rochester, he brings joy and smiles to kids and adults, to people feeling rotten after a day at the Clinic, and to people that haven't seen a sick day in their life.

We all have our own struggles...they can absorb us and make us feel out of sorts. Then you look up, you see Joe Johnson waving the flag, maybe even the Donate Life flag (be an organ donor, donate life here), and even if it's just for a second, you smile. You feel better.

That's pure love Joe is sending out. God bless Joe.

Apparently some people have tried to involve Joe in politics...nope. That's not his thing.

Twin Cities Summer Jam Ticket Special 2021
2021 Twin Cities Summer Jam

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com

Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams Weekday from 6 - 10 AM on Y-105 FM

Now, you might think this next bit is a little weird...but I'm sure you've noticed it if you ate a lot of asparagus or drank a lot of coffee...

9 Foods or Drinks that Could Make Your Pee Smell

I'm a huge fan of asparagus! I love it and am basically the only one in our house that devours the green veggie. But whenever I make it my family loves to say, "it's going to make your pee smell.". Ok, it does for some people but I decided I wanted to figure out what foods they eat where I could say the same thing back to them. So, I did a little Google searching and found out there are quite a few foods and drinks that make your urine have a bad or change in smell. Thanks to Google, Wikipedia, and a site called wellandgood.com, I found a whole bunch!

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