Rochester Teen Receives Major Safety Award
We've heard the message over and over. "Don't text and drive." And yet, people still do, and people die because of it. One Rochester John Marshall high school student is hoping to help change that with a video.
John Marshall High School Senior Mohammad Alhusaini was recognized last week with a Traffic Safety Champion Award for Outstanding Teen Leadership after he produced the video above called, "No text is worth a death."
According to MnDOT,
- More than 60,000 crashes were distracted driving-related from 2014 – 2018
(preliminary), contributing to nearly one in five crashes in Minnesota. - Distracted driving contributes to an average of 45 deaths and 204 life-changing injuries a year (2014 – 2018 preliminary).
Mohammad Alhusaini, law enforcement agencies, joins the Southeast Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths program and law enforcement to do exactly what you think. Get that number down to zero.
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