Rochester’s Top Five Locations for Prom Pictures! Plus Photo Tips!
If your kids have prom this weekend, you want to take pictures with a cool background, but not so filled with other promgoers that you'll have to wait for free space. So check out these five guaranteed great locations to take pictures! The locations break down like this...
1) Plummer House - The favorite of many...and there are so many locations on the property. Especially if you have big groups, the stairways leading into the gardens are perfect. Make sure you bring a flash.
Scroll down for photo tips.
2) The Peace Plaza - The fountain, the Chateau Theater, a hugely popular spot.
3) Just Behind the Peace Plaza - Head toward Chester's, turn left, go thru the big green gate and BOOM! Awesome old brick wall, faded painted sign, cool for a slightly edgy look.
4) Mayo Civic Center / Rochester Art Center - So many great photo spots!
5) Essex Park - You want a bunch of green grass and pretty trees? This is the place!
BONUS 01) Parking Ramp Elevator Across from Half Barrell - Take it to the 8th floor, great view!
BONUS 02) Stacked Colorful Boxes On the River - RIght in front of the Government Center. Make sure you shoot with your BACK to the government center as that area is a bit mucky dirt wise.
- Long, large groups are hard to shoot, but if you make sure they're all close together, each in a 3/4 pose, it'll look a lot better (have the half on the right turn slightly to the left, and the left side turn slightly toward the right).
- Unless you're posing them with their hands on something, hands at their sides. Not clasped in front of them. Hands together in front of you bows their shoulders and they don't look confident. And kids dressed up so nice have everything to be confident about.
- Also, if the group is facing the camera, encourage them to get super close to each other, and lean in a tiny bit. Not a lot, just enough so they're slightly advancing toward the camera. The "action" gives the picture energy. (Arms around each other is good, but be careful the dresses and jackets still look good).
- "If it doesn't look great, get closer," is what my brother always told me. It's true for prom pictures, too. Take the traditional shots, but, like the pic up top, getting close can give you a great shot. I often move around looking at the image on my camera until I find IT.
- Catch those moments when they're not quite ready for the picture. The adjusting, the fixing, the primping. Don't move them, move YOU. Don't zoom, move closer to capture expressions. Some of the most lovely shots of an adorable couple are these off-guard moments.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM, and 2p to 6p on 103.9 The Doc.