Stewartville School Lunch Cashier Quits
A cashier for the Stewartville lunch program quit her job last week saying the person who ordered them to dump the food should be named!
It's been a few weeks now since a furor erupted when people learned cashiers were dumping the hot portion of a student's school lunch in the trash if their account was unpaid. The school board addressed the issue and updated the policy to make sure it's a parents/school disctict conversation, not a kid/school district shaming.
However, the question of who ordered the cashiers to break the law is still unanswered and, apparently, it's what drove Billie Dexter to quit her three dady a week job at the school.
A Star-Tribune article quoted her saying...
“They need to stick up for what they did,” said Dexter, speaking of school district leaders. “They shamed the cashiers and they shamed the kids.”
Later in the article, the Star-Tribune reports the Stewartvillle Schools Superintendent, Belinda Selfors said...
...she didn’t know who made the decision to pull food off students’ trays. She said in a statement that no students had meals taken away from them and that no meals were thrown out.
Apparently, no FULL meals were thrown out, just the hot portion, but if you ask me, that sounds like splitting hairs to try and make the situation sound less horrible.
Schlopping just the hot food out of the tray and into the garbage, telling the kid their account is behind, and doing it all in front of people is pretty awful
A Rochester woman was arrested Friday night for assaulting her boyfriend - with a glass food blender. Click HERE (or the picture) for the whole story.
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