Storytime – Rochester Pastor Faces His Fears (LISTEN!)

In June of 2020 I made the case that love might not be the solution to all our problems, but it sure would be a huge step in the right direction. A few Sundays ago, right here in Rochester, Minnesota, I was reminded of this, and how often I've failed, even as I think I have a pretty good handle on it.
First, let's go back to June 2, 2020 -
For racial justice, we must see black people as real and human. I believe there has to be real love. Deep down love. Love that is honest and comes at the times we least want to give it. When our ideas or ego says one thing, but the religious or non-religious moral code we choose to follow says something different.
I had to tell you that story so I could share this story with you. Because it is exactly about that...but even deeper. It comes from Pastor Jeff Mattison at Hope Summit Church in Rochester (over near the Corn-On-the-Cob water tower).
It was that Sunday Pastor Jeff talked about handing out flyers for a movie night at the church...and how he experienced something pretty powerful as he was handing out the flyers at one apartment complex in particular. It's funny and it's somber, and its just how it should be.
Click play and please listen.
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Pretty powerful, right? I especially want to highlight one spot in particular.
I think I'm going to get pushback, people are just so ready to meet with you. They just don't know how to step out of their comfort zone. I was, I was invading their comfort zone. And so it would be ridiculous to believe that they're going to step out to reach to me.
I've done this a million times...I've been ridiculous thinking people should come to me. Pastor Jeff softened the "ridiculous" word choice, but I like it. If any of us want to see change happen, we are ridiculous if we expect someone else to get the ball rolling.
I do best when I have a plan to put into action right away...so I'm going to steal Jeff's. Think of someone you just...grrr! You know what I mean. Reach out to them. Drop an email, ask 'em out for coffee, or if you're into prayer, pray for them (a prayer for them, not your wishes for them). If you're comfortable with it, please, let me know how it goes.
I have someone I need to do this for, so I'll let you know how it goes for me, too.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams Weekday from 6 - 10 AM on Y-105 FM
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