For more than 100 years, Johnson & Johnson has been selling talcum powder based baby powder, but soon it'll be gone forever in the USA and Canada. Here's why...
It's always amazing to hear these stories. "I was going to the bathroom and a head popped out." "I had some awful indigestion and a baby popped out." "I felt so gassy and bloated and the Mylanta wasn't working. I went to the doctor and I was 9 months pregnant!"
St. Peter, MN (KROC-AM News) - The quick and heroic actions of a southern Minnesota police officer likely saved a young couple, their baby, and a couple dogs from perishing in a fire early Tuesday.
There is nothing more contagious than a baby laughing! Ok, well maybe a sneeze, or a yawn, or a icky cold virus. This video is pretty cute, and yes, contagious! This baby needs to take her show on the road. Watch her laugh as the dog eats popcorn.