
Women Goes to Hospital with Kidney Stones, Leaves with Baby – [Video]
Women Goes to Hospital with Kidney Stones, Leaves with Baby – [Video]
Women Goes to Hospital with Kidney Stones, Leaves with Baby – [Video]
It's always amazing to hear these stories. "I was going to the bathroom and a head popped out." "I had some awful indigestion and a baby popped out." "I felt so gassy and bloated and the Mylanta wasn't working. I went to the doctor and I was 9 months pregnant!"
Contagious Laughter [Video]
Contagious Laughter [Video]
Contagious Laughter [Video]
There is nothing more contagious than a baby laughing!  Ok, well maybe a sneeze, or a yawn, or a icky cold virus.  This video is pretty cute, and yes, contagious! This baby needs to take her show on the road.  Watch her laugh as the dog eats popcorn.

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