Guilty Plea in Rochester Drug Case Involving More Than $14K CashGuilty Plea in Rochester Drug Case Involving More Than $14K CashHe was on probation for drug dealing when he was caught with more than 500 fentanyl pills and a large amount of meth.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
IMPORTANT! Message From MN Sheriff's Office About Winter DrivingIMPORTANT! Message From MN Sheriff's Office About Winter DrivingThis is basically our first snow which means one thing, people are going to have no idea how to drive today. #YouHaveBeenWarnedJessica On The RadioJessica On The Radio
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Minnesota Deputy Rescues Unusual AnimalCAUGHT ON VIDEO: Minnesota Deputy Rescues Unusual AnimalThe most adorable video on the internet today goes to our very own Olmsted County Sheriff's Department in Minnesota. Jessica WilliamsJessica Williams