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Duluth, MN (KROC-AM News) - A teenage girl is being hailed as a hero in Duluth.

The Duluth Fire Department says the 15-year-old woke up shortly before 1 AM Tuesday and alerted the other members of her family to the fire. Assistant Fire Chief Dennis Edwards says all four adults and four children were able to safely escape, although one of the adults was transported to a hospital to be treated for a burn on his hand.

“Thanks to the quick thinking of a fifteen-year-old who alerted her family to the fire, they were all able to get out of the home safely,” Assistant Chief Dennis Edwards said. “If she hadn’t woken up, and notified her parents, this could have been a different situation. She was very brave.”

A news release says firefighters found heavy smoke coming from a second-story window of the home and later entered the residence and extinguished fires found burning in two rooms and the attic. The overall loss was estimated at $125,000.

Investigators believe the fire was ignited by an electrical problem in the house.

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LOOK: Minnesota Ticks and How To Prevent Bites

They are creepy, crawly and unfortunately are so stealth-like that you don't even know they are on your body sucking your blood. Ticks. Here are a few different types of ticks in Minnesota and a few tips on how you can help prevent tick bites.

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