The Biggest Packer Backer Car in Town? (VIDEO)
You a Packer fan? Or a Viking fan? Well, you'll either LOVE this or you are gonna hate it! The most Packer-Licious car in Rochester, Minnesota!
I turned into a Packer fan YEARS ago when I dated a Wisconsin gal. She knew I was a "Who Cares About Football Guy", but she still took me to a bunch of Packer Parties (in Rochester, Arcadia, WI, Buffalo City, WI, and some sketchy but fun Wisconsin bars) and the parties were so much fun, I hitched my wagon tot he Pack.
So, when I saw this car, I was BLOWN AWAY! Not that I'd drive it. I don't even wear jerseys unless someone'll buy 'em for me. I am SO cheap. Anyway, I love it. It's strong, it's green, yellow and is only lacking one thing. Glitter. Or rather, MORE glitter.
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