We're here. The end of the Cool Classroom year! With Sylvan Learning of Rochester, we've been honored to meet, congratulate, and reward some of the area's best teachers. Now, it's time to find out The Cool Classroom of the Year! Let's head to SW Rochester!

Back in January, we were wrapped up against a cold day and were grateful for the warmth of The Aloha Room at Bamber Valley Elementary! Let's revisit that moment...

And now, we're back at Bamber Valley Elementary and Cathy Neumann's 5th Grade Class to award her the New Y-105FM / Sylvan Learning Cool Classroom of the Year!

To be in Cathy's classroom is to feel a vibrant body of students, working, achieving, sometimes struggling, but even then, in a safe environment where a child can make a mistake, try again, and figure things out.

Thank you Cathy Neumann for sharing yourself with the student world. And thank you Sylvan Learning of Rochester for joining us in the Cool Classroom project. We have great teachers, and it's a privilege to step into their lives, even for just a moment, and thank them for what they do.

Daily Life At A Secondary School
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Click HERE (or the picture) to see all of this year's Cool Classrooms!

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