The Incredible Story Behind the Oscars #EpicFail
This is exactly why you should never text or Tweet while driving!
In case you missed it, the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoppers issued an immediate apology Sunday night.
The reason for the apology is that The Wall Street Journal Tweeted a photo of PWC partners Martha L. Ruiz and Brian Cullinan, with the caption that Cullinan was a little over-exuberant about being backstage at the Oscars and was Tweeting minutes before the envelope kerfuffle. The phrase "Tweeting like a madman" may have been bandied about. He was obviously distracted and handed Warren Beatty the wrong envelope. Beatty appeared disoriented and confused, kinda like I do when I look at driving directions or furniture assembly instructions, and handed the wrong envelope off the Faye Dunaway for clarification. When asked later, Dunaway was quoted as saying something to the affect,
Hey! You wanna know any thing about that envelope, you go ask Warren Beatty!"
PWC managing partner, Brian Cullinan,
...feels very, very terrible and horrible. He's very upset about this mistake."
As well he should be. His backstage Tweets are said to have been deleted, but there's no word on what accountability (see what I did there?) he has to face for his distraction, and handing off the wrong envelope and creating such an #EpicFail for the Academy Awards.
This is exactly why a person should never text and drive!
What do you think should happen? Should he be let go from the firm for his mistake? Suspended? What actual consequences should he face? This was more embarrassing than anything else. The firm issued an immediate apology, and owned up to the mistake. The guy feels terrible.
More importantly, if you haven't seen either movie, which one would you go see first?
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