The Number One Thing Olmsted County Detainees Do All Day
Some of what you see on TV is true. There's Bible study, library time, and education. But the number one most popular thing to do while detained is...using the gym. Here's the top five most popular/most used programs according to the Olmsted lmsted County Sheriff's Office Newsletter...
1 - Gym 5925
2 - Library 2354
3 - School 925
4 - Next Chapter Bible Studies 591
5 - Decision Point 356
From the bottom up, Decision Point seems to be a counseling situation. I could't find much about the organization. Next Chapter Bible Studies is clear, and to be honest, if you were to add all the Christian, Muslim and other religious programs into one number, it'd be much larger than 591.
School is used by the newest to the longest held detainees, as is the library. The gym towers over all of them and some people wonder why? Why help them get buff to go out and become a repeat offender? Programs Sergeant Durand AckmanI gets this question a lot. Here's what he says.
We offer programming to the detainees for many reasons. First and foremost, we hope to inspire the detainees to better themselves while in custody. We hope when they leave our custody, they enter the community with more knowledge to hopefully not return to the detention center. A couple other benefits of programming is to connect the detainees with local resources, to teach new skills, and to allow for productive use of time in custody.
Simple. working out reduces stress, helps keep you healthy, and can be hugely beneficial to people dealing with a mental health issue. Just like everything else on the list below, it helps grow the mind and soul.
Current programs alphabetically.
- 7th Day Adventists Bible Study 224
- 7th Day Adventists Health & Wellness 37
- ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) 4
- Advanced Computer Skills 19
- Alcoholics Anonymous 145
- Anger Management 43
- Baptist Services 67
- Basic Computer skills 16
- Career Pathways 41
- Catholic Prayer 149
- Celebrate Recovery 106
- Chaplin Visits 36
- Christian Videos 155
- Decision Points 356
- Employment Skills 8
- Fatherhood Project 47
- Gym 5925
- How to Succeed on Probation 22
- Intermediate Computer 12
- Library 2354
- MN Teen Challenge 88
- Muslim Discussion Group 40
- Narcotics Anonymous 102
- Next Chapter Bible Studies 591
- Peace Education Program 76
- Pet Therapy 123
- Piano lessons 54
- Questions about Life & Faith 175
- Rebuild Fatherhood 69
- School 925
- Set Free 107
- Soul Recovery 16
- Women’s Domestic Violence Group 94
- Women’s Group 29
- Women’s Peer Support 20
- Women’s Wellness 70
- Yoga 223

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