The Rochester Convenience Store Fresh Orange Deception has Spread!
Two years ago I busted the Rochester Convenience Store Orange Debacle wide open...but instead of stopping it, it's growing!
I took a road trip today, to Illinois. In every convenience store I stopped in, I saw the same thing I saw in Rochester just two years ago. The orange lie.
You see, when you buy oranges, you expect them to be orange. At least I do. Perhaps you're more into mauve, or teal, but you will not get those colors, and at some convenience stores in Rochester, you'll find bags of oranges that don't contain orange oranges!
Watch the video. You'll see. They're round like oranges, they smell like oranges, and they even taste a lot like oranges. But take them out of the bag, and they are not the orange color you expect.
It's the bag. That's the lie.
I interviewed a convenience store manager in Morris, IL, and he said, "You causin' trouble, friend? You need me to call the police and tell them how you ((knocks over the Payday Candy Bar display)) rampaged against these candy bars? Hmmm? Is that was you want? Maybe you should just get outta here, go back to Minnesota Mr Rabe, if that IS your real name!"
*This absolutely did not happen. The manager said, "It makes 'em look oranger to put 'em in the orange bag."**
**This really did happen. But seriously, orange sellers. Stop using an orange bag to make oranges look orange when they're not.
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