Things You Didn’t Know You Needed Part 1 – A Stamp of Your Face
Bored? Near the end of your "things-to-do-during-Covid-19-stay-at-home-time" list? Cool! Sit yourself down it's time to take a break. Let's make you a face stamp. That's right, a stamp of your face!
I had no idea this was even a thing, but...of course it is! We take selfies all the time, we share them with friends and family. We put them on the Instagrams, the Facebooks, the Twitters, the Snappy Chatty, and even the Tik Tok. So, why not take it to the next level?
Maybe it's not the next level...maybe it's the level before, but we skipped all that when we went to selfies. Back in the day, my brother John used to make an annual Christmas Stamp out of a potato! This is WAY better than that.
You just CLICK HERE and upload you picture, pay some money (looks like about $20 - $60 depending on what you want), and in the mail you'll get your face. ON A STAMP! It could look something like this...
I"m not saying I ordered a stamp. I'm not saying I didn't. We'll just have to see.
How would you use a stamp? No idea. Maybe get one that says From the Library of and then your name and stamp all your books with it. Or your husband. Whatever. It's your stamp, do what you want with it, Karen!
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.