There are plenty of ways to diffuse an argument with someone. Sometimes it's just best to walk away. What you don't want to do is pour hot grease on someone over a random dispute. That seems like an overreaction.

Unfortunately for a woman in Cincinnati, that's what allegedly happened when she got into an argument with 61-year-old Charlene Thompson. Court records show her dumping piping hot grease on the victim this past weekend, causing severe burns to her back and arm. This isn't just an isolated incident, either. Charlene has twice been accused of throwing rocks at a neighbor's windows, along with charges of assault, criminal damaging or endangerment, and criminal trespass. Other complaints (which ended up being dismissed) include punching someone in the face, disorderly conduct while intoxicated, kicking an officer, and spitting several times in the back of a police car and an officer. You can find an entire archive of mugshots that date back to 1997 here.

As for the most recent mugshot? The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office has released it,  and it looks like...

Source: Hamilton County Sheriff's Office
Source: Hamilton County Sheriff's Office

GAH! Uhhh...wait, what was eye talking about again? Er, sorry. That's just, you think they were arguing about her, ah...

I mean, that's probably why she lashed out, right?


...I think we can all agree - that mugshot looks great.

(I do not want piping hot grease poured on me)

Source: FOX 19

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