To My Mom in Rochester…I’m Sorry I Put A Hole In Your Wall

Dear Mom,
I'm sorry. I'm not sure if you noticed it but I put a huge, massive hole in your wall with my butt. Oops. I'm a very large and heavy dog and I honestly don't know what happened but last I knew, I was running over here when there wasn't a hole and now there is a hole.
But first, I can see that you are wanting to vacuum this spot of the carpet right now...and that is exactly why I am here. I'm never moving from this spot. Actually, I was trying to sit here and cover up the hole in the wall but am now realizing that my plan didn't quite work.
Just in case you forgot, I've done some good stuff today too. Remember when that guy in the brown outfit showed up at our house again with those boxes with blue smiles? Yeah, I saved you from him with my big, obnoxious bark. You.Are.Welcome. Speaking of those boxes...man, there are quite a few of those showing up every week! Not sure how that's happening but my vocal chords are sure getting a workout.
By the way, are you grilling a steak again tonight? I really loved the one that you made last week that you put on the table for me. It would have been easier for me to eat if you put it in my dish, but don't worry about it too much...I got it off the table just fine.
Love your precious and adorable dog, Indy
P.S. Please don't tell anyone that I cuddle and lick faces...that will ruin my image.
While I work on patching up my wall, tell me what your dog has destroyed. Go ahead, send your stories my way! Facebook, Instagram, e-mail...there are so many ways to find me.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams
MORE TO EXPLORE: The Cutest Dogs of Rochester, Minnesota
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