Two Times the Party Coming to RochMN’s Former Dress Barn Location
Back in November, Rochester's Dress Barn started its liquidation (see that story here). A good size space like that, people were hoping it wouldn't stay empty long. They got their wish, so it's time to party!
What's the party all about? Party City. It's been in the TJ Maxx Plaza, but according to a story by The PB's Jeff Kiger, Party City (the national chain that's already in a small TJ Maxx Plaza space) filed a building permit to do about half-a-million-dollars worth of renovation. I had to at least double, if not triple their current store's space.
Here's something I still can't wrap my head around. Dress Barn was in its location for 18 years. 18 years? I'm not getting older, YOU'RE getting older. lol
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on Y-105 FM