There are good notes...and then there are the "not so fun" ones that show up in my inbox.  I'm going to give you a glimpse of what I got this week and there is one that I KNOW you are going to be interested in.  Why?  Well, it involves a pizza place that pretty much all of Rochester has been missing and craving.

Pepperoni pizza on a white background
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Glimpse of What It Is Really Like To Be On The Radio...You Might Want To Sit Down For This

Sometimes, I don't want to open up my inbox.  Besides the kazillion spam messages that bog it all down, I've got the fun people that love hiding behind the screen as they chat with me.  In case you aren't aware of this yet, people are NOT always kind.

For some reason, there is a thought that I have a ton of money and that I give it to everyone that asks me in Facebook Messenger.  Just the other day, a lady got extremely upset with me when I said I couldn't help her financially.  Oh my...did the profanity fly on the screen at me and I was called every name in the book.  Trust me, I don't have this imaginary money that you believe is in my wallet.  Just ask the bill collectors who have been coming after me every day for a few weeks for about $80,000+ in hospital bills.  If you hear a phone in the background during my radio show, it is probably them.  #TrueStory

The above is just a glimpse of why I am sometimes slow to respond to messages.  My mental health is not worth people swearing at me and saying harsh names through a screen.  All of the notes aren't bad though...

email marketing concept, person reading e-mail on smartphone
anyaberkut ThinkStock

The Notes Aren't All Bad Though...And The One Sent To Me Last Night Is Why I Do What I Do And Am Still Smiling

Last night, the note I got on my Instagram page didn't make me cringe.  It was a good one.  I've already updated this fan on what I know but this might be a question on your mind as well since I'm fully aware this pizza place is one that a ton of people miss.

"Yo, Jessica On The Radio, what's the word on Waldo's coming to Rochester?  It has been forever since they said that their food truck was going to come to town.  I NEED WALDO'S!!!"

Trust me, I am well aware that Rochester is missing Waldo's.  The owners are also fully aware.  In case you missed it, I had a chat with them a few months ago when news hit that a Waldo's Food Truck would be showing up in Rochester, Minnesota this summer.  I even had him on my show for a bit to chat about the fanatic fans who love Waldo's Pizza.

When Is The Waldo's Food Truck Coming To Rochester, Minnesota?


Based on the latest post by Waldo's Pizza, it sounds like they are still working a few kinks out to make the visit to Rochester happen.

Rochester people we have not forgotten about you!!! Still working out some issues and details about the new Waldo’s Pizza truck making a stop in Rochester…. If anyone is interested in franchising a store for Rochester call me at 320-251-5145

- Waldo's Pizza on Facebook

Once I hear everything is a "go", I'll get the info up on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio - and up on our free apps ASAP just for you.  Give it a follow and download the app now so you don't miss out.

Seriously, Though, Who Is Going To Open Up A Waldo's in Rochester?

I know this town has some seriously talented (and rich) people in it.  The passion is here, but who is brave enough to make it happen?

Psst...if that brave person is you, send me a message on Facebook or Instagram.  I want the scoop that you are opening it up!  (I promise I will read it and respond as long as you are kind and don't ask me for money.)

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New Foods, Drinks, and Vendors for the 2024 Minnesota State Fair

The Minnesota State Fair has just announced the 33 new foods and new vendors coming to the 2024 Great Minnesota Get-Together.

Gallery Credit: Carly Ross

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