Website Tells You If Rochester McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines Work

This isn't the 1,333,765th "McDonald's Ice Cream Machine Dirty Secret!" story. Nope. This is a story about how to make sure the Rochester McDonald's you go to has a working ice cream machine.
It's the brainchild of a guy named Rashiq (@rashiq on Twitter)
"I reverse engineered mcdonald's internal api and I'm currently placing an order worth $18,752 every minute at every mcdonald's in the US to figure out which locations have a broken ice cream machine."
That information goes to his website (https://mcbroken.com/) which is super simple. Just a map of the USA and McDonald's locations...green dots for ice-cream in service, red for ice-cream machine not in service.
No judgement, no preaching, nothing but the map and ice-cream machine reports. For instance, at the time I wrote this, all the ice-cream machines at Rochester McDonald's were working, but sorry, Byron...you'll have to shake a leg and get to Rochester for your fix.
Doesn't This Waste A Lot of Ice Cream and Make Extra Work for Employees?
It seems no...it doesn't make anyone working at a McDonald's waste time or waste ice cream. Rashiq Tweeted,
"to clarify how this works: mcdonald's keeps track which locations have a broken machine, I'm merely querying for those - no order gets executed, no ice cream is actually wasted Soft ice cream"
Click here to see if the McDonald's near you can serve you ice cream treats!
Good News Austin McDonald's Shake Lovers
2/3rds Good News Albert McDonald's Shake Lovers
A Mixed Bag for the Faribau-Tonna Region
Green Mean Go Winona McDonald's Ice Cream Cool Kids
Uh-Oh, MSP Has The Chicken Pox
And Just Plain Sad News For You, Story City, Iowa
Click here to see if the McDonald's near you can serve you ice cream treats!
There Is A McDonald's Ice Cream Machine App, Too
It may be available for Android as well as Apple, but the two ice-cream-machine checkers are not connected.
So No Juicy Behind the Scenes "McDonald's BUSTED" Ice Cream Info?
No. Because it seems 75% of the time there really it's legit maintenance going on. The other 25% of time the machine really is broken. Well, maybe 20%. People are human, after all.
Above I said "in-service" and "out-of-service" because it might be broken, but it could also be maintenance time, and until I saw this video, I had NO idea how much of a pain it is to clean it.
That may not be the EXACT machine used in McDonald's, but it give you a good idea of how huge a pain it is to clean, how long it'd take, and why you have a pretty good chance of running into an out-of-service machine.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
What Have You Heard About Minnesotans?
This is so funny...and yes, I've heard a lot of people say this kind of stuff. Especially when I lived in Idaho.
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