What Horror Movie is Rochester Obsessed With?
When I saw there was a national ranking of horror movies, and what each state was "obsessed with", I knew I had to dig into it more than just "Minnesota." So, I asked all of Rochester to open up and speak out. The results are interesting, but first, let's do the nationwide check.
The movie Minnesota is "obsessed" with is Silence of the Lambs. In Wisconsin, it's Shaun of the Dead, and in Iowa, Evil Dead 2. Over in the Dakotas, South loves themselves some Cabin in the Woods and North has a thing for Aliens (maybe because North Dakota ranks fifth for UFO sightings).
But what about Rochester, MN?
Like I said, Silence of the Lambs wasn't even mentioned (and I LOVE that movie!). The two most mentioned movies in our poll? The Halloween series and the Friday the 13th movies.
Good thing the new Halloween is out this weekend, then!
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