NYC Drops A Ball On NYE, What Should Rochester Drop?
In Times Square, a ball covered in crystals drops to signal to the revelers, it is the NEW YEAR! Is there something cool Rochester could Rochester could drop? Think about that for a bit as you read what they do in other states.
Here's a few things being dropped around the United States of America (according to Mental Floss)...
- In Pennsylvania, a GIANT PEEP!!
- In Prairie Du Chien, a DEAD CARP!
- A BIG OLIVE in Oklahoma.
- A HUGE PEACH in Atlanta.
- In North Carolina, an OVERSIZED FLEA
- In Alabama, A MOONPIE
- A "beautified" potato in Boise, Idaho.
So how about Rochester? A giant stethoscope? A massive tongue depressor? A scalpel covered in gems? Or maybe, a Canadian Goose!
Of course, if a sponsor wants to get involved it could be a coffee to go. Then, when it drops, hot coffee can be dispensed from within. Like 500 gallons. Would that be enough for everyone in the crowd?
<p style="text-align: center;"><em>Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on <a href="" target="_blank">Y-105 FM</a></em></p>