What Was Your Favorite Band During the 80’s?
Ask anyone that loves the 80's what the top three greatest band from the 80's are, and you may start some arguments. But, almost everyone agrees this band is always at or near the top.
What's my #1 band for the 80's? Hard to say...I'm a huge 80's music fan. From the ones everyone knows to the one that never got heard on American Top 40 (like this one).
I think The Top Tens did a pretty solid list. Here's the Top Five:
- Queen
- Duran Duran
- Bon Jovi
- Guns N Roses
- Metallica
Look around the internet machine, and almost all the lists always put Bon Jovi top three. Their music didn't just stand the test of time, they've kept delivering great albums, which is why we're so excited about the give-away!
This is such an awesome give-away. And it's so easy to get in on it! Just listen to the NEW Y-105FM Monday thru Friday at 9AM, 2PM, and 5PM!
That's when we'll give you a Slippery Code Word you can enter here.
Make sure you enter 'em by midnight each night for the best chance to go to San Diego and see Bon Jovi in concert on March 5th!
- Here's what is up for grabs...
- Airfare for two from Minnesota to San Diego
- Hotel for two in San Diego
- Dinner for two
- 2 tickets to see Bon Jovi Live in San Diego - Sunday. March 5th 2017
- $500 BAM (bummin' around money)
- PLUS, you get a meet and greet with Bon Jovi!
Just listen at 9, 2, and 5 for each code-word.
PLUS, each morning i'lll give you a chance to win FIVE bonus entries when you help me unscramble the Bon Jovi Title! First time out Todd knew Misbehaving Pharmaceuticals was Bad Medicine (totally forgot about Sam Kinnneson being in the video)!
You must be at least 21 to play.
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