Why can’t Minnesotans Drive the Speed Limit? [Watch]
There's a stretch of road in Rochester where people consistently go 10 mph under the speed limit. This. Has. To. Stop!
I was told the idea of West Circle Drive was to act as a quick way to get around the city. And I think it used to be. Not anymore. This is the area I'm talking about...
I don't know what it is about this stretch of road, but people just can't drive 55. There are plenty of turn lanes, spots to turn, and signals, and yet, so many people drive like they're looking for an address.
I'll bet they have the music turned down, too.
If it was now and then, I'd suspect people new to the city. Which is totally cool. But it's too many people doing it for that. A slow car turns out of the way, the car behind it keeps going slow.
So...a public service announcement. Drive as tho you're paying attention.
Next week, the turn signal, that device that's made of lava!
Flashback Friday!
The snow today reminded me of the day last March when a school bus rear ended a car, and this mom called to tell us about how fierce her daughter was during the accident.
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