Wild Night Leads to Funny Flier and Lost Car for Minnesotan

The good news, they didn't drive drunk. The bad news? They can't find their car. And its not just, "Huh, musta-parked-it-a-street-over lost, its "I think it's in Hennepin County Somwhere" lost! Thanks to iGoalie for finding the flyer and taking the picture.
If it's too small to read, here's what it says,
I got too drunk parked my car and rode with a friend. We think it is somewhere in the northern parts of hennepin county. Parked on a residential street. If you know of or seen this car, please call Luke or Melissa.
We don't know if it's Luke or Melissa that lost the car, but I'll bet whoever it was, the other is NOT too happy. Not just because, duh, lost the car. But, lost it and the location in the poster includes about a million people and over 600 square miles.
It is good they didn't drink and drive, obviously. And there are some great responses on the Reddit post.Card
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