Will Lanyards Be Added To School Supply Lists for Minnesota Kids?
It's time to grab those school supply lists and head to the store to stock up for the year. As you are walking through the aisles of folders, pencils, and crayons, you may want to throw a lanyard into your cart if your child is headed back to the classroom and required to wear a mask.
I saw this idea originally on Facebook from Jennifer Campbell, who is a teacher. She had a photo of a lanyard attached to a mask and the suggestion that parents might want to send their child to school with one of these, along with the reminder to find a breakaway lanyard for safety.
As a teacher, I would like to offer a suggestion to parents who are sending young kids to school this year. Please get your child a lanyard to use with their mask. It will help them from losing it during times they can take it off. I saw some cheap ones on Etsy. 😷 Remember to find one that can breakaway for safety. - Jennifer Campbell on Facebook
What a great idea, especially for the younger kids! I've got one that seems to misplace items more than others and if masks are required once he goes back to school, I will definitely be adding this to his list.
To make the shopping a bit easier for you, here are a few breakable lanyards on Amazon that you could add to your cart right now:
What do you think of the school districts decision for the start of school in 2020/2021? Let me know your thoughts and opinion on my Facebook page (Jessica On The Radio) or Instagram.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams.
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