Would You Take A PAY CUT For More Time With Your Kids?
It's that never-ending vicious cycle, right? Ya gotta work to earn a living.But where do you draw the line for family time?
I've shared Cathy's and my story with you about how we became parents. It took a long time. And we're very thankful and blessed to have our three kids. It wasn't until I started spending time with my kids that I realized just how awesome and fun being a Dad is. Now, I can't get enough of it! I'm making lists of places to go and things to do and experiences I want to share with our two boys and our girl.
It's just scheduling the vacation time, right?
I just saw this new survey that says half - FIFTY percent - of Dads asked said they would rather have a less stressful job as a trade-off for more time with the kids!
One in three would actually take a pay cut if it meant more time with the kids!
I asked around. Don took both a pay cut and got a less stressful job to be with his two kids.
Laura told me her husband Joe got time off from work,
to go to all their sporting events, concerts, and just hang out with them. You do what you have to do for them."
Julie said,
They are only kids for a short time. I love spending more time time with the kids."
I think Chad put it best. He did the same thing Don did. Why?
Because family is more important than money. You can live with less money. Can you live with less family?"
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