Y Do You Love Your Mother – [FINALISTS]
Brooke Bernard was the winner, but here are the ten finalists that made it to the voting phase. Brooke and Braxton there brought home the $250 Gift Card good for anything mom wants!
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Lydia Ludolph
Y Do You Love Your Mother?I love my mother for having the best monster cookies I have ever had in my life! I would randomly text her and ask her if she would make me some cookies making her think she would then have to send them to me. An hour later i would call her to see how the cookies were coming along, she would ask me how she would get them to me and i would tell her that i'd figure out a way. Later i would show up at my parents’ house walk in and say 'heard you were making cookies.'
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April Lindloff
Y Do You Love Your Mother?As a child I remember my mom having 15 kids for almost an entire summer, occasionally their parents stopped by or took ‘em home for a day or two. We struggled ourselves and my mom's response when asked why she took care of so many kids when we struggled ourselves was "These kids struggle regardless of where they are, at home or with us, we struggle with or without them here. But here they will never struggle for love or attention"
Once she brought home a homeless man with a sign: will work for money or food. Someone said what if he killed you, she responded with "I would have left my children with a lesson in love. My mom didnt teach us to love regardless of who someone is, she showed us to love because everyone is someone.
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Brooke Bernard
Y Do You Love Your Mother?I love my mom for countless reasons but the most significant reasons is because she is a wonderful grandma to my son Braxton. When Braxton was born prematurely at 24 weeks, my mom instantly changed her life to help makes his life the best possible.
My mom retired from her job to help take him to his appointments. This has allowed me to continue working. Each week she takes him to numerous therapy and doctors appointments. She goes above and beyond to help him learn new skills and continue to improve. Even though Braxton sees my mom daily, his eyes light up and his legs start to kick every time we walk into her house.
I am very fortunate to say that Braxton's favorite person is his grandma. Both Braxton and myself are lucky to have her!
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Patti Gustafson
Y Do You Love Your Mother?When I was 20 years old, I was pregnant with my first child, going to Nursing school full-time, and waitressing at a family restaurant to make ends meet.
My mom would come in every once in a while and order something simple...a piece of blueberry pie, a cup of potato soup. She would always tuck a $20 bill under the plate for me.
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Kendra Gilligan
Y Do You Love Your Mother?My mom is one tough cookie. At 33, I am still terrified when she tells me, "So, we need to talk". She's a timeless beauty who appreciates an afternoon of family and perfectly timed cusses. She trumps my parenting with her "Grandma Card" and even grandpa sometimes. My favorite person and my best friend. That, is why I love my mom and why she deserves this amazing gift.
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Jacob Allen
Y Do You Love Your Mother?Because she's always supported me and even though she didn't want me to move out she didn't stop me she supported me through it and now she always wants me to come over and see her sometime just a little annoying but I don't blame her...I'm a pretty cool guy.
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Danielle Nelson
Y Do You Love Your Mother?I love my mother because…she removed us as children from an abusive situation from a southern state to Minnesota with no job or money and thrived. She raised 3 of us all to be great people with good jobs and families. She now has 7 grand kids who love and adore her. She is someone who we look up to and can say "WOW! You went from nothing to everything.” What a role model.
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Sarah Ayen
Y Do You Love Your Mother?She takes me to ballet every day from 4-6 in and out of Rochester and pays $195 a month for it. She is super supportive and she deserves all the dark chocolate and spas!
She deals with my annoying little sister every day, screaming and yelling between my siblings, doing the cat litter, driving us all over Byron for our sports, taking time to cook amazing meals, and giving us hugs each night before bed.
Oh and to add she puts up with my slight (huge) obsession with Selena Gomez and takes me everywhere to get her latest Magazine and her concerts:)) and midnight's waiting up for her album to drop:))) She is one of a kind and I couldn't of asked for a better Mom.
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Rebecca Nixon
Y Do You Love Your Mother?I love my mom because she is a fighter. She is 56 years old and has a degenerative bone disease and Fibromyalgia. Her bones are so brittle that one time she shattered her ankle bone when she missed the last step while walking downstairs. She also had her tendons snap off her elbow when she was pushing a 1 year old in a swing. She has had three back surgeries. All of her discs are fused together and her spine is supported with metal rods from bottom to top.
She had to give up everything she loved to do. Yet, she remains positive, even in the face of so much daily pain. She is the best Grandma to my little children and the best mother anyone could ask for. She never puts herself first and would give anyone the shirt off her back.
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Kylee Locke
Y Do You Love Your Mother?I love my mom because when my family recently went through a house fire and lost everything, she held the family together. She is currently helping me as much as she can while I'm in a nursing school. I want a way to show her house much I appreciate everything she does for me. She is so kind and caring and this would be the perfect Mother’s Day gift.
Varvara KurakinaVarvara Kurakina
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